A Down-To-Earth Organization That Is All About Hope

D Magazine’s Excellence in Nursing Women’s Health Finalist – 2014

Erin Prendergast is one of the outstanding health care professionals nominated for this year’s honors

Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas.

Erin Prendergast’s love for nature is one of the many blessings she has to give her patients. She removes a chrysalis from her butterfly garden then packages it to hang in a basket filled with words of encouragement. Within a short amount of time, the butterfly emerges. She compares the lifecycle of the butterfly to the journey her breast cancer patients face after receiving their diagnosis. PPrendergast has worked for 15 years at Texas Health Presbyterian Dallas, 7 of those years have been spent at the Peggy A. Bell Diagnostic Imaging Center, giving strength to women who are fighting breast cancer. She has also founded the organization, On Butterflies’ Wings, teaching children the art of utilizing nature to give back to others. Although Prendergast didn’t begin her career in nursing, she knew

dallas-logoher calling was to care for others. “I feel very blessed to be in the position to touch people’s lives,” she says. —Hayley Votolato

D Magazine


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  • The Mission of Hope Continues …

    ON BUTTERFLIES WINGS continues to be blessed with volunteers who believe in the mission of HOPE! Today, 11-year cancer survivor and friend, Linda Alexander, presented ON BUTTERFLIES WINGS with hand-made, knitted hats that she made AND a box of various hats in different sizes and styles because hats were a very important part of her recovery. She says, "Each hat was made (including every stitch) as a gift back for every loving person who lifted her up" during her cancer journey. ON BUTTERFLIES WINGS will insure her hats and her heart❤️ are shared with love....
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